San Sebastián
Camino Igara Bidea, 33-37
Martín Berasategui’s restaurant in the Ibaeta neighborhood. Old cider house of contemporary and euskandinavian style.


Camino Igara Bidea, 33-37

Martín Berasategui’s restaurant in the Ibaeta neighborhood. Old cider house of contemporary and euskandinavian style.

Type: Cider-type restaurant

Type of food: Oysters, from the sea

Average price per guest: € 40

C/Menéndez Pelayo 67, loc. 2 y 3
Torre Retiro- 28009 Madrid
+34 913 440 399

1200 Brickell Avenue, Suite 1950
Miami, FL 33131
+1 786 9919 330



Spain by Día Libre, an independent affiliate of
Día Libre Madrid Miami – a Virtuoso Member.