
Purpose of the caviar tasting: Explore caviar with sight, smell, touch and taste

Enjoy a good quality caviar, fresh and with an authentic taste. A serious experience, for high gastronomy lovers. Caviar Tasting Dinner with Pairing, our chef will offer a tasting menu based on caviar including: Chef Appetizer, one cold entry, one hot entry, main fish dish, main meat dish, pre-dessert and dessert


The first caviar certified as ecological in the world is generated between the mountains of Granada, Sierra Nevada, since 1963. Because on the Spanish coast, until the seventies of the nineteenth century, sturgeons climbed their rivers to reproduce. Even in the 30s there was caviar production in the nearby Guadalquivir River. Even Miguel de Cervantes mentioned caviar in his work El Quijote, back in 1615.
The caviar, always exotic and desired, is generated in natural waters of the sierra, coming from the melting, pure and crystalline, where the females need about 16 years of breeding. Twice as long as most of the usual market caviar. A real treasure!
Upon arrival, we will make an exclusive visit to the facilities, being able to see sturgeons in all phases of growth, while our expert explains the processes of breeding and production.
Then we will sit down to receive a caviar tasting class, attending to the varieties that are produced in this sturgeon sanctuary. We will accompany it with Champagne to have the perfect pairing, and we will finish with a sip of vodka to remember its origins.

C/Menéndez Pelayo 67, loc. 2 y 3
Torre Retiro- 28009 Madrid
+34 913 440 399

1200 Brickell Avenue, Suite 1950
Miami, FL 33131
+1 786 9919 330



Spain by Día Libre, an independent affiliate of
Día Libre Madrid Miami – a Virtuoso Member.